Frequently Asked Questions

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The State Employee Charitable Campaign (SECC) allows employees of state agencies, junior and community colleges, and universities throughout Texas to donate to a number of local, statewide or national charities in a one-time gift or through payroll deduction. Learn more about the SECC and United Way of San Antonio.

Giving is easy and convenient. Choose from hundreds of nonprofits, and make a donation to your favorite charities. You can give through a monthly payroll deduction and spread your gift out across the year, or participate through a one-time donation for the charities of your choice.

All charities in the campaign must meet strict eligibility criteria to qualify. They must also not spend more than 25% of their annual revenue for administrative/fundraising expenses and be in good financial standing. This means that more of your contribution gets to the charities you select than in almost any similar fund-raising activity.

Roadrunners can donate to hundreds of organizations. Browse the Charity List to find your favorites. There is a wide array of participating organizationsfocused on everything from Alzheimer’s and cancer research to veteran support and animal care services – to choose from!

Giving through the SECC allows you to support a favorite cause or charity. The past few years have encouraged many of us to take a closer look at our local communities and to consider how we can make a difference. Giving to charity, and particularly locally, can be a powerful way to invest in the people and places that make up our everyday lives.

As a member of the various communities, you are likely to be well-placed to identify causes in your community that could benefit from charitable giving and support. You might also have insights into how to donate your money or time to magnify your positive impact and strengthen your community.

In addition to donating to a worthy cause, all donations are tax-deductible.

First, consider participating as a leadership giver, one of the many people who like to do a little more and help encourage others to participate.

Second, consider one of the standards used in campaigns like this throughout the nation. Giving one hour’s pay per month is usually calculated as .006 of your annual salary.

Third, give what you feel is appropriate for you and your budget. Any gift, no matter how large or small, can make all the difference in the world to the charities in this campaign.

The minimum amount to give is $5 by credit card and $3 per month for payroll dedication. For cash, there is a minimum cash donation (of $2) only if a donor wants their gift to apply to a specific charity. If they are donating broadly to the SECC, the donation can be for any amount. Non-benefits eligible faculty and staff and students may give one-time gifts by cash or check using the pledge form.

Payroll deduction offers the opportunity for your gift to go further and make a larger impact. You can manage your own philanthropy, it saves time while taking little effort and it’s sustainable by reducing paper pledges.

  • Deduction starts in December and will be reflected in your January paycheck.
  • Deductions are made after taxes.
  • Payroll deduction frequency is based on your payroll cycle. If you are paid on the 9-month cycle it will be spread across 9 months. If you are paid on a 12-month cycle it will be spread across the 12 months.
  • Deductions may be stopped any time by contacting Payroll Management Services.

Payroll deduction can be done online or through a printer pledge form:

  1. Online – Visit the campaign portal and make your donation.
  2. Printed Form – Download, fill out, and print out your form. Then submit it using campus mail to: Attention: SECC | UTSA Fiscal Services | One UTSA Circle | JPL 1.02.02 | San Antonio, Texas 78249

It’s easy to give online through e-Pledge, the online United Way pledging service! Follow the instructions below – or download a PDF walk-through – to donate. Note that you will be logged off after 20 minutes of inactivity.

Login to United Way’s Donation Portal

  1. Login to the donation portal with your myUTSA ID (your abc123 credentials).
  2. Issues? Contact University Technology Solutions at (210) 458-5555 or

Choose Pledge Amount

  1. Click on the “Pledge Now” button.
  2. Select payment type. You can choose Payroll Deduction or Credit/Debit Card.
  3. Enter pledge amount and frequency.
  4. Designate your organization(s) of choice. Locate agency names to which you wish to donate in the Charities Listings or use the search feature by typing a keyword in the agency name field, then clicking search.
  5. Designate the amount to the organization of your choice.
    1. Percentage: type the percent you wish to designate to each agency.
    2. Dollar Amount: type the dollar amount you wish to designate to each agency. The amounts entered cannot exceed the total annual gift you previously designated listed at the top of the page.

Confirm and Submit

  1. Confirm organization designation amount.
  2. Select acknowledgement and additional gift options.
  3. Confirm donation.
  4. Enter your billing address, payment information & final submission.
  5. Press the “Submit” button at the bottom of this page, and you’re done!

$10/month for one year

  • Underwrites free museum admission for 30 students.
  • Pays a veteran’s occupational certification to find employment.
  • Helps a family in crisis with their monthly utility or grocery bills.
  • Provides lifesaving medicines to 7,200+ children and families around the world.
  • Sponsors two local health advocates to attend a National Pesticide Forum and
    learn the skills needed to make positive changes in the community.
  • Screens one uninsured woman for breast cancer.

$20/month for one year

  • Provides a full year of groceries for a home-bound AIDS patient.
  • Provides food for one guide dog in advanced training.
  • Buys six cases of non-latex gloves to keep volunteers safe during beach cleanups.
  • Supports training in an environmental career for a person with a disability.
  • Provides scholarship assistance for inner-city children to attend a nature camp.

Download, fill out, and print out your form. Then submit it using campus mail to: Attention: SECC | UTSA Fiscal Services | One UTSA Circle | JPL 1.02.02 | San Antonio, Texas 78249

Your SECC donations are tax-deductible. Keep in mind that you can only claim what you have paid in full. As an example, let’s say you donated via payroll deduction in 2024. You must wait to apply that amount to your 2025 taxes. However, if you donated in 2023, you can apply that amount to your 2024 taxes since that pledge is complete. It’s recommended that you reference your paycheck at the end of the year to see the amount that you can deduct when doing your taxes. If you have any questions about your donation amount, please contact Rose Gonzales at United Way (